
数学系列讲座-Cancellation of algebraic vector bundles on smooth affine varieties(杜鹏老师,英国诺丁汉大学)
2023/09/13 来源: 编辑:

Cancellation of algebraic vector bundles on smooth affine varieties



Host:  胡晓文

Date:  2023920 (周三)

Time:  16:00-17:00 P.M.

Venue: Tencent Meeting ID455-506-095




I will discuss some enumeration results for algebraic vector bundles (possibly with extra structures) over smooth affine algebras through the lens of motivic homotopy theory. It will be based on the affine representability for vector bundles together with a detailed study of A1-homotopy type of certain motivic spaces, in analog with a result of James-Thomas in the classical homotopy theoretic setting. If time permits, I will also speak a bit on recent progress on cancellation properties and some other closely related problems.


Peng Du is currently a Research Fellow at School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. Before that, he had his Ph.D. study at Institut Fourier, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France. His Ph.D. thesis is focused on aspects of algebraic vector bundles on smooth affine varieties through the device provided by motivic homotopy theory. In recent years, he cares more about stable motivic homotopy theory. He is also interested in derived and spectral algebraic geometry.

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