
2024/02/04 来源: 编辑:







       邓宁,大湾区大学(筹)信息科学技术学院教授,博士生导师,美国光学学会会士(Optica/OSA Fellow),中国光学工程学会光通信与信息网络青年专委会副主任。主要研究方向包括光通信与光交换、人工智能算力网络、新型通信与虚拟现实融合技术。曾在全球领先的信息通信公司担任技术专家、研究团队主管、系统架构师等职,在高性能宽谱光交换与光通信系统做出重要技术贡献,并与多个知名ICT企业有广泛合作关系。曾两次获得华为公司研究创新的最高荣誉“华为十大发明”。已获授权30余项中国专利和20余项美国和欧洲专利,多项研究成果落地到业界领先产品。在光通信主流期刊和会议发表70余篇论文,包括多篇PDP论文和受邀论文。担任光网络顶刊Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)副主编、多个会议技术程序委员会(TPC)主席或成员、国际电信联盟(ITU)多个标准主编。

       Dr. Ning Deng is currently a Professor in Great Bay University (GBU) and an Optica (formerly OSA) Fellow. Before joining in GBU he was a well-known expert in the optical communication industry, and has made significant contributions on high-performance optical switching and wideband WDM communication system, with research outcome transferred to global leading products. He has more than 30 patents granted in China and 20 patents granted in USA/Europe, respectively, and over 70 papers published in major optical communication journals and conferences. He serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), the TPC chair/member for a number of conferences, and the Editor for multiple International Telecom Union (ITU) standards. Ning Deng received the Ph.D. degree from CUHK in 2007 and the B.Sc. degree from USTC in 2002.


       [1] N. Deng, et al., “Challenges and Enabling Technologies for Multi-Band WDM Optical Networks,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 3385-3394, 2022.

       [2] N. Deng, et al., “Wavelength Selective Switch, Optical Switching Device, and System,” US Patent 18/161,134, 2023.

       [3] N. Deng, et al., “Optical amplification apparatus and signal amplification method of optical amplification apparatus,” US Patent 17/842,300, 2022.

       [4] X. Zhou, N. Deng, et al., “An Ultradense Wavelength Switched Network,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2017, 11(35): 2063-2069.

       [5] X. Liu, N. Deng, “Emerging Optical Communication Technologies for 5G,” in Optical Fiber Telecommunications VII, Elsevier, 2019.

       [6] N. Deng (Editor), Optical monitoring for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems, ITU-T G.697, 2016.









       多个主流光通信会议TPC chair/member、Workshop organizer



博士后聘期2年,与清华或中科大joint postdoc program。期望博士后研究员应聘者具备光通信系统、或LCOS光系统、或光交换光网络、或人工智能计算/通信架构/系统/协议等相关领域研究经历和相应成果。对于出站博士后将推荐大学Faculty或公司职位。根据应聘者情况综合年薪约40~70万,并提供相关福利和发展机遇。


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